Hearing loss is one of those commonly occurring problems that affect individuals of all ages. In most cases, people cannot identify the issues correctly. As a result, this becomes gradual and persistent as time goes by. If you are witnessing hearing issues, you must opt for hearing tests. Here is what you should know about them:

Signs that you need a hearing test

Newborns get their screenings done right after their birth. Children get regular screening at their schools. It is the adults who miss it. Here are some symptoms that would tell you about getting the tests:

  • Ringing or buzzing noises in the ear
  • Unable to follow the words
  • Difficulty in keeping up a conversation with background noise on
  • Tendencies to talk very loudly

These symptoms take time to develop and you must diagnose when you get a hang of their presence.

What are the types of tests?

There are majorly hearing screenings and hearing tests that individuals can opt for. The screenings are a pass-fail challenge to determine your possibility of hearing loss. The hearing tests determine the ability to hear accurately over a wider range of frequencies and tones. These are expressed in decibels (dB) and hertz. Here are the types of tests:

  • Speech determination tests
  • Tympanometry
  • Pure-tone audiometry
  • Optoacoustic emission testing

The pure-tone audiometry and speech determination tests determine your capacity to focus on the sounds that you are hearing. The other two test the ability of your ear to function. Other tests like auditory brainstem response testing and electrocochleography might be conducted depending upon the situation.

What are audiograms?

The results of these tests are charted on paper and are called audiograms. These are a visual representation of dots and lines and a roadmap to how well you hear. It determines the frequencies you perceive.

What are the types of hearing losses?

If a hearing loss is detected in an audiogram, it might be one of these types:

  • Sensorineural- This is the most common type. It is caused by exposure to loud noises, ototoxic drugs, and aging. This is a permanent hearing loss and occurs due to hair cells damage in the cochlea.
  • Conductive- This is less common and can be treated. It occurs due to infection or wax build-up.

Do not take chances and opt for Audiologie Centre Ouest test auditif right away and prevent further hearing damage.