Everyone will have neck discomfort at some point in their lives. Most of us are guilty of wishing away our sorrow, which seldom works well. This is where chiropractors come in; their job is to alleviate pain and address the underlying causes of throbs, pains, pulls, and twinges. According to data, the number of licenced chiropractors has increased due to increased demand and trust in chiropractic treatment for neck pain in Singapore. Similar polls show that the proportion is more significant when compared to other options, such as acupuncture and massage.

Significant concerns surround how chiropractors handle neck pain issues. For example, what methods do chiropractors employ to treat neck pain? Let us investigate.


Why are you having neck discomfort in the first place, and why is it not going away with home remedies? Chiropractors are well-trained to examine your spine from the cervical (neck) area through the mid-back (thoracic) and lower back (lumbar). Before selecting how to treat your neck discomfort, the chiropractor must first understand what is causing it. They may order imaging tests like an MRI or an X-Ray. Physical tests and an examination of your medical history are required for the diagnosing procedure.

These diagnostic results will give your chiropractor more information about your neck, allowing them to build a personalised treatment plan. The technique also eliminates neck discomfort concerns that necessitate invasive procedures such as surgery.

Neck Modification

The method, also known as cervical manipulation, physically delivers moderate and accurate pressure to the neck. Neck adjustment sessions seek to increase spine mobility and restore range of motion. The manipulation also improves the mobility of the muscles that support the cervical vertebrae. Doing so will lessen neck discomfort, stiffness, and tightness while also improving your ability to tilt and turn your head. You will need many sessions to benefit from the neck adjustment techniques fully.

Depending on your situation, your chiropractor may employ the following spinal adjustment procedures.

  • Cervical mobilisation involves the chiropractor moving the cervical vertebrae from left to right at specified rates.
  • Cervical traction involves lying on the traction table looking upwards while the chiropractor applies moderate pulls and strains to the cervical area to increase mobility and relieve pain.
  • Cervical “drop” approaches- the chiropractor applies calculated pressure to the neck areas using low, medium, or low-velocity thrusts. After lying on your back, your chiropractor will place their palm on your spine and apply downward pressure until the drop section table is level.

Due to the complexities of these procedures, you should get competent chiropractic treatment and attention to avoid any negative consequences.

Stretches and Therapeutic Exercises

Furthermore, your chiropractor will instruct you on self-care practices to relieve neck discomfort at home. Finally, a chiropractor will show you how to exercise and extend your neck without causing further harm because of their exposure and knowledge.

Your chiropractor may advise you to stretch your neck regularly. For example, in around four cycles, you could bend your neck to the right and stretch your head for a period often seconds before going to the other side for ten seconds.

Other therapeutic exercises and stretches will help you enhance the mobility of your neck and reduce neck discomfort.