A dermatologist is a physician who diagnoses and treats problems with your hair, skin, and nails. They also treat disorders affecting the mucous membranes, which are the delicate tissues that border your nose, mouth, and eyelids.

A dermatologist can assist spot the signs and symptoms of significant underlying health disorders in addition to these medical and aesthetic difficulties.

What exactly is dermatology?

Derm or dermis is the fundamental term for dermatology. The term derives from the Greek word derma, which means “skin” or “hide.”

Dermatology encompasses problems that affect your nails, hair, and the delicate lining of your eyelids, nose, and mouth, in addition to your skin.

The skin is the greatest organ in your body that contains sweat glands, hair follicles, pores, blood arteries, and a variety of other structures that may be found in skin. It is necessary for you to take care of your general health.

While primary care doctors and physician doctors may diagnose and treat these problems, a gooddermatologisthas a broader understanding and more expertise. Many primary care physicians will refer their patients to dermatologists for specialist care.

What exactly do dermatologists do?

The job of a dermatologist is often split into three sections.

These are some examples:

  1. Medical – A dermatologist is trained to identify and treat skin diseases. This covers diseases such as plaque psoriasis, rosacea, and acne. They can also detect indications on your skin that demonstrate your underlying health problems. Like – Itchy, dry skin.

  1. Surgery – Many dermatologists do minor surgery, such as the removal of moles or warts or the taking of skin samples. Qualified dermatologists will focus on more complicated surgeries. These operations might include the removal of benign cysts as well as skin cancer.

  1. Cosmetic – Dermatologists can handle skin problems that have an impact on your looks, like hair loss, dark patches, and wrinkles. Some dermatologists are also skilled to do cosmetic treatments like Fillers, chemical peels, and laser hair removal.

When should you consult a dermatologist?

An experienced dermatologistwill thoroughly examine your skin for symptoms of skin cancer during this consultation. In case you are suffering from skin cancer, you should visit a dermatologist at least once a year for checkups.

If you’re worried about your skin and don’t already have a dermatologist, you may look out for physicians in your region.

If you’re unclear if you need an annual skin check, consult with your health care physician.

If you have a problem with your skin or hair, a dermatologist can help you identify and treat the problem.

This might include:

  1. rashes on the skin or skin irritation
  2. acne skin blemishes or discoloration, moles, warts, or other skin growths uncomfortable, dry, or scaly skin
  3. Varicose veins are aging symptoms, similar to wrinkles, sun damage, or drooping skin.
  4. hair thinning or hair damage, dandruff, fingernail problems

Get expert skincare help

A dermatologist is a highly trained physician who can assist diagnose and treat skin, hair, and nail disorders. These physicians employ a variety of surgeries, treatments, and medications to treat particular skin disorders or to improve the appearance of your skin. Looking around for the best dermatologist in Pune and regular visits may also help minimize your chance of developing more severe illnesses such as skin cancer. To book an appointment with the best dermatologist in Pune, you can visit us.