Dental bonding is a dental procedure performed to improve the look of your smile. Your family dentist in North Central Phoenix will apply tooth-colored composite resin to the surface of the tooth you want to improve. Dental bonding can be used to close the gap between two teeth. If you are wondering if you qualify for this procedure, read on:

Who Qualifies for Dental Bonding

Dental bonding is perfect for patients with minor tooth cracks, gaps, or chips. It is right for those who need cosmetic restorations. If your tooth is seriously damaged, your dentist may recommend a dental crown to address your concern. 

If you have minor dental flaws that you want to be corrected, dental bonding may be a good solution for you. This cost-effective treatment may not involve removing enamel from your tooth. 

Why Consider Dental Bonding

You may want to consider dental bonding for the following reasons:

  • It is a quick procedure. It takes just a little amount of time to complete the dental bonding procedure. Depending on the number of teeth you want to be bonded, it can take your dentist thirty minutes to one hour to complete it. Meanwhile, other cosmetic dental procedures, such as dental veneers, require several visits to your dentist. Also, these procedures can cost you more than bonding. If you just want to close a minor gap or fix a cracked tooth, dental bonding might be best for you.
  • It lets you retain your natural tooth enamel. Dental crowns and veneers involve more intensive processes. Usually, these include removing more tooth enamel, which covers the outer part of your tooth. Enamel is composed of minerals that make it strong so it can protect your teeth’s sensitive layers. When enamel is removed, it is gone for good. Thus, your teeth will be permanently changed with crowns or veneers. In general, any changes are reversible. But dental bonding maintains more of the natural structure of your tooth while fixing undesirable problems.
  • It can fix minor tooth problems. Dental bonding can correct issues such as chips, cracks, gaps, irregularly shaped teeth, and tooth discoloration. This procedure is focused on producing a natural result by using tooth-colored resin. This means that nobody will know that you ever had a chipped or cracked tooth. But again, keep in mind that bonding is best suited only for minor repairs. If you require more significant restorations, your dentist may suggest alternative treatment.