A good health consists of practising a healthy eating habit by eating a well balanced meal, having an active lifestyle and regular medical check-up. It is true that “you are what you eat”. Many people decide to take supplements as a means to help support their wellbeing and health. Supplements such as multivitamin and probiotic capsules have been in increasing demands. Gut health is often overlooked until a person faces health problems. Hence, having a healthy gut is essential to have a good life. By knowing signs of a healthy gut, you can help improve your gut health. Signs of a healthy gut include:

1-  Regular bowel movement

A regular bowel movement has not been defined specifically of how much or times a day but one thing for sure, if you have a bowel movement first thing in the morning, is a good sign. This is known as a diurnal pattern, meaning the colon contracts and removes all the materials from yesterday. As such is a normal physiology of the gut that is designed to work that way. If you are having bowel movement regularly even on slightly different times, that is still considered a healthy gut. A bowel movement that is between three times a day to three times a week should mean you have a healthy gut.

2-  Comfortable bowel movements

A healthy gut means a bowel movement that is pain-free and no need to strain. If bowel movement causes some pain, discomfort or the need to strain in order to push it out, these are indicators of gut issues such as constipation or irritable bowel syndrome.

3-  Healthy stool

Looking at your own stool may actually be disgusting for yourself but trust me, it is important for you to observe it. You will never know the difference between a healthy or unhealthy one if you are not used to seeing it. A healthy stool should be soft and firm, well-formed and in colour of medium to dark brown colour. This stool should be passed in a single large go with only a few smaller pieces. A healthy stool is said to look like a firm sausage or a snake, sinks in the toilet bowl and remains intact when flushed. You can check out the Bristol Stool Chart to understand more about stool.

4-  Normal amount of gas and bloating

Passing gas or farting throughout the day is considered normal. Healthy people would pass gas up 10 to 20 times a day and this shows a healthy gut. Gas both from farts and bloating are produced by the gut bacteria after digesting food. Minor bloating and feeling gassy are normal after a huge meal.

5-  Mental clarity

Gut health is associated with the ability of the brain to stay alert and to concentrate. Frequent brain fog or inability to stay focused may indicate poor gut health. A troubled intestine or stomach can easily send signals to the brain that triggers mood changes that ultimately affect the ability of the brain to work optimally. A clear mind also helps a person to cope with stress in a mannerly and healthier way.

6-  Being energised

A healthy gut means a healthy digestive system. When digestion is smooth, a person is less likely to get fatigue because energy expenditure is well maintained. Problems with the digestive system cause the body to use the energy stored inside the body to be used towards the affected digestive organs and not to the other organs or body parts such as brain, lungs and other internal organs. The enormous energy used in the digestive process causes less energy remaining to be used for other body functions. 

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