Everyone’s skin tells a story. For some people, that story includes the tale of acne and the scars it can leave behind. These scars are often the residual marks of severe acne, which can leave indentations and discoloration on the skin. Acne scarring is the body’s natural response to inflammation, and the scars result from the body’s attempt to heal these wounds. But let’s dive a little deeper into understanding acne scars and their non-surgical acne scar treatments in Singapore.

A Close Look at Acne Scars

Acne scars appear in various forms, and their characteristics largely depend on the type of acne that caused them. We commonly identify two major types: atrophic scars and hypertrophic scars.

Atrophic scars are often the aftermath of severe acne like cystic or nodular variants. They are sunken and lie below the average skin surface because of insufficient collagen production during healing, hence the depressions. You might often hear these referred to as ‘ice pick’ scars, ‘rolling’ scars, or ‘boxcar’ scars, each with their specific appearance and depth.

Hypertrophic scars, on the other hand, are raised scars that form above the skin’s surface, often as a result of excessive collagen production during the healing process. These are commonly found on the chest and back and are typically caused by more severe forms of acne like nodules and cysts.

Turning to Non-Surgical Cosmetic Treatments

Modern dermatology has brought forth an array of non-surgical cosmetic treatments to help reduce and even eliminate the presence of acne scars, bringing back your skin’s natural beauty and smoothness.

One such treatment is Rejuran S. It’s a non-surgical procedure that harnesses the healing properties of salmon DNA. Yes, you heard that right! Salmon DNA is rich in polynucleotides, a type of molecule that has excellent tissue repair capabilities. The Rejuran S treatment involves injecting these healing molecules into the scarred skin, which kickstarts the body’s natural healing processes, encouraging collagen production and improving skin texture over time.

Dermal fillers are another non-surgical treatment option popular in treating atrophic acne scars. These fillers literally ‘fill in’ the depressions caused by the scars, restoring the skin’s natural contour and reducing the appearance of the scar. The fillers consist of substances like hyaluronic acid, which naturally exist in our bodies, thus minimizing any adverse reaction. Over time, these fillers also encourage natural collagen growth in the skin, further smoothing the scar’s appearance.

And then there’s the Pico laser treatment. The Pico laser is a non-invasive procedure that uses laser technology to target the deep layers of the skin. It breaks down the scar tissue while promoting new skin cell production and collagen growth. The result is a more even skin texture and tone. And the best part? It’s quick, efficient, and suitable for most skin types.

Fractional CO2 Laser is also an effective acne scar treatment in Singapore. The Fractional CO2 laser is a type of laser treatment that utilizes a carbon dioxide laser to treat various skin issues, including acne scars. It’s called “fractional” because it only targets a ‘fraction’ of the skin at a time, leaving the surrounding skin untouched. This approach promotes faster healing and reduces the risk of side effects compared to traditional laser treatments.

Including Other Effective Treatments

In addition to Rejuran S, dermal fillers, and Pico laser, there are more treatment options to consider. Chemical peels, for example, help remove the top layer of the skin, reducing the appearance of shallow acne scars and promoting new skin growth. Then there’s micro-needling, a process where tiny needles puncture the skin, prompting the skin to heal and produce more collagen, therefore reducing the appearance of scars over time.

To conclude, acne scars may be part of your skin’s story, but they don’t have to be the entire narrative. With various non-surgical cosmetic treatments available to combat these pesky scars, such as acne scars treatment from Aeon Medical, you can reduce or even eliminate their appearance. Remember, it’s important to consult with a trained dermatologist before deciding on any treatment, as they can best advise you based on your skin type and scar severity. With the right care and treatment, you can restore your skin’s natural beauty and continue your skin’s story with confidence.